Week Ending: October 5, 2013
“This Week in CyanogenMod” is an ongoing feature that aims to serve as a one-stop shop for weekly updates. Topics discussed are culled from our social media accounts, gerrit, status updates and general thoughts
Welcome to October!
Conferences and conventions
The Big Android BBQ is next week, and we have about 40 members who will be in attendance! If you are coming, be sure to say hi and pick up the goodies that they will be handing out! And don’t miss the CM sponsored after-party!
A couple of us will also be heading out to some international based conventions over the next few months. More info on one of those next week. CM is a large community of international developers, so look for more participation in events small and large!
Some old (and new) Nexus love
Our newest addition to the ‘toroplus’ maintainers roster has been hard at work bringing up 10.2 for the device, releasing experimental builds for the Sprint Galaxy Nexus. Do note that LTE is not yet functioning on those releases, so if that’s important to you, stay on 10.1.3 a little longer. Also getting some attention this week is the GSM 2012 Nexus 7 (tilapia) which is now fully graduated to 10.2 nightly code. Rounding it out, we now have a 2013 LTE Nexus 7 (deb) in hand, and will be working on bringup for it as well.
Dual releases are coming
We’ve been otherwise quiet on the social channels, but that is because we have been hard at work on the preparations for dual release streams. We’ll get into more detail when we announce their availability but as a quick recap: ‘user’ builds = signed with CM keys (ie proper method but less hackability), ‘userdebug’ = signed as test_keys (same as current and historical builds). Most users (including those that build at home or base their ROM off of CM sources) will remain unaffected. As always, you will have a choice which stream you want to use.
Rainbow recovery
I’m going to keep it short and sweet week, and end on a light-hearted note. Someone seems to have put a new Easter Egg in the recovery build tree. Have you spotted it?
Got a suggestion for a topic you’d like to see in the next round-up? Let us know in the comments below. All device/port requests will be ignored.