Week Ending: September 06, 2013
“This Week in CyanogenMod” is an ongoing feature that aims to serve as a one-stop shop for weekly updates. Topics discussed are culled from our social media accounts, gerrit, status updates and general thoughts.
September is here, its going to be a busy month for us and this week was just the start.
CM 10.1.3 RC2
Continuing on the path to closing out the CM 10.1 code, we released our second release candidate this week. You can flash this on top of the RC1 without issues, just don’t try to flash it on top of 10.2 nightlies.
Android 4.4′s name was announced, but that was all that was announced. Like most of you, we would also like to get to work the new Android version, but until that source code is made public, there isn’t anything for us to do but wait and eat some chocolate.
LG Optimus G Pro
Ricardo (arcee) was kind enough to link up a custom recovery for this device, might come in handy for a few of you soon
HTC One Mini
Adding to our ever growing device list, Negri Electronics stepped up to help out yet again, this time sending us the One Mini. Stay tuned for ‘codename: m4′ builds to be released. The Negri team has been great to work with and we appreciate their support of CM and the community.
Trebuchet Icon Support (round 2)
Adding on to the ‘theme icon pack’ support from last week, a patch is now on Gerrit to allow per-shortcut selection of icons. As of now, it is up for review, but should hit the nightlies soon.
When boot animations attack!
The nightlies from 9/6 broke almost universally. This has been patched since.
We haven’t forgotten, more is coming
Got a suggestion for a topic you’d like to see in the next round-up? Let us know in the comments below. All device/port requests will be ignored.